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Guoying Yu


Gwen Li is a prolific and award-winning Chinese-American writer who excels in a variety of literary genres, including novels, prose, and translations, making her a distinguished representative of overseas Chinese writers and Chinese women writers.

Gwen moved to Taiwan with her parents in 1949. She has a B.S degree from National Taiwan University and furthered her study in Rutgers University and Cornell University. She had taught at Rutgers University, her alma mater and Fairly Dickenson University and retired from Estee Lauder Inc. Gwen is now the Vice President of North American Chinese Writers Association, and served as Secretary General for the Oversea Chinese women writers Association.

In addition to her signature masterpiece "A Heart Warming Little Cotton Jacket ", Gwen is the author of "Family with Six Treasures", "The Stories of Chinese Brides married to Americans", "All Shall Be Well in Pandemic" and four English collections etc.. Recently, she is working on a novel “The Story of The Young Oversea students' parents”


余女士生於中國大陸,1949年隨父母遷臺,先後求學於國立臺灣大學,羅格斯大學研究所及康奈爾大學研究所。 余女士曾任教於母校羅格斯大學及汎尼笛根生大學,之後長期任職於雅絲蘭黛公司。退休後,余女士擔任了北美華文作家聯誼會副會長和世界華文女作家協會秘書長等職務。

除了代表作小棉襖餘愛台之外,余國英還撰寫了家有六仟金、 嫁給老美的中國新娘們、大疫無情人有情以及四部英文集等。其中《家有六千金》《好朋友》為雙語作品。她目前正在撰寫一部小說《小留學生父母的故事》。

Guoying Yu
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