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Sunny Zhang


19-year-old pianist Sunny Lin Kai Zhang has performed in some of the foremost venues in the world, including New York Carnegie Hall Weill and Stern auditoriums, Steinway Hall, Benaroya Hall in Seattle, Beijing Concert Hall, Van Cliburn Concert Hall, Vancouver Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Chan Centre, and Orpheum Theatre.

Sunny has participated in many competitions: He won First Prizes at the Seattle International Piano Competition, the Carmel Clavier International Piano Competition in solo and concerto categories, the Orbetello International Piano Competition for Young Artists, and the Pacific International Piano Competition. He won top prizes at Fou Ts’ong, Steinway, San Jose, Sviatoslav Richter, Lancaster, and Enkor International Piano Competition, among many others. In Canada, he won second prize in the Canadian Music Competition, First prize at Provincial Arts BC, received RCM’s Gold Medal for the highest grade in the LRCM certificate and became a Steinway Young Artist at the age of 16.

Sunny’s main teachers have included long-time mentor Eugene Skovorodnikov and renowned professor Matti Raekallio. He is currently a sophomore at the Juilliard School of Music, studying with Hung-Kuan Chen.

Sunny霖鍇是世界上最年輕(16歲) 獲得「施坦威青年藝術家」頭銜的演奏家之一;他15歲入讀紐約茱莉亞音樂學院預科;16歲與溫哥華歌劇交響樂團演奏拉赫馬尼諾夫第三協奏曲;17歲入讀茱莉亞音樂學院鋼琴演奏本科, 並經測試免修四年視唱練耳、跳級學習樂理;現年19歲, 師從世界著名鋼琴演奏家和教育家、茱莉婭音樂學院陳宏寬教授。

Sunny Zhang
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