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The Boston Girls Singing Group


The Boston Girls Singing group is composed of five young and lovely girls, Anna Boychenko, Angelina Ding, Annie Ye, Bella Tan and Kangwa Tou, students of Lili Feng Singing Studio. Since July 2021, they have participated in many performances such as the North American Cloud Chinese New Year Celebration Gala, Boston International Asian Music Festival, Boston Asian American Day Lexington Discovery Day, Harvard Square May Fair, City of Cambridge Chinese Spring Festival Gala and City of Braintree Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration. Their performance were well received! The group was also invited to participate in the production of the overseas version of the MV for the torch theme song "Flame of Hope" for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. In 2023, the group won the second place in the Charleston International Music Competition. In 2023 and 2024, the group won twice the first place in the 6th and 7th American Starlight Youth Talent Competition Musical Competition.

“波士顿美少女组合”是冯丽丽唱歌工作室的学生冯安娜、丁星迪,叶子淳、谭加乐,鈄康娃五位青春可爱自信,活力四射的少女组成的。自2021年7月以来, 她们多次参加了北美云端元旦联欢晚会,波士顿亚洲音乐节,波士顿亚美节,Lexington Discovery Day,Harvard Square May Fair, 剑桥市华人春晚 and Braintree市中秋庆祝等演出活动,深受大家的喜爱。 颇受好评!她们还受邀参加了北京冬奥会、冬残奥会火炬主题歌《希望之火》/《Flame of Hope》海外版MV的录制。2023年荣获Charleston International Music Competition世界音乐比赛第二名同年荣获第6届美国星光青少年才艺大赛音乐剧比赛第一名。2024年再次荣获第7届美国星光青少年才艺大赛音乐剧比赛第一名

The Boston Girls Singing Group
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